Daérah Fungsional: penjualan
Type proyék: Sapanjang waktos
Location proyék: Bavdhan (Pune)
Profil Pakasaban: Asistén ménéjer
pangalaman: 8-10 taun
kualifikasi: Pamasaran BSC / BBA
Kaping: 19 April 2024


Product branding and promotional activities, Vendor development and coordination

tanggung jawab Proyék

  • Create and implement logical, effective marketing strategies.
  • Organize and supervise exhibitions, promotional events, and advertising/communication initiatives (social media, TV, product photo shoots etc.).
  • Analyze and study the market to assess competition, brand awareness, and trends.
  • Start and oversee surveys to evaluate the needs and commitment of customers
  • Compose material for a variety of marketing channels, including as brochures, press releases, and websites.
  • Sustain connections with media suppliers and publishers to guarantee cooperation in marketing initiatives.
  • Track campaign progress using a variety of measures and provide performance reports.
  • Work together with Superiors to create budgets and keep an eye on spending.

Pendidikan & Pangalaman

  • BSc/BBA in business administration, marketing, or a related field/ (BE) marketing

Pangetahuan / Kaahlian

  • Proven experience as a marketing executive or similar role
  • Outstanding interpersonal and communication abilities
  • Kreativitas sareng kasadaran komérsial
  • Strong time-management and organizing skills
  • Good knowledge of data analysis, statistics, and market research approaches
  • Extensive familiarity with the finest methods in marketing and strategic planning
  • Mahir kana MS Office sareng perangkat lunak pamasaran (misal CRM)
  • Knowledge of online analytics and social media (e.g., WebTrends)



2014 Kantor perusahaan Pune
Hypro Pabrik Anyar

Panawaran pikeun posisi ieu

Tipe anu Diidinan: .pdf, .doc, .docx