Welcome to Hypro!
Hypro is a turnkey solution provider for Industrial Brewery, CO2 Recovery, Water Deoxygenation Plants, Energy-saving schemes and Cryogenic Tanks with the purpose of building a safer and sustainable future for the next generation. With its innovative approach and technology-driven products, Hypro has made a stellar reputation for itself on the global stage.
Hypro has shifted its focus to tackling the rising environmental concerns of the world. In view of the same Hypro has come up with innovative solutions like Smart Wort Cooler, Multi Evaporation System, CO2 evaporation & condensation that operate to safeguard the natural resources of the planet. Hypro is driven by the passion of making difference to society via innovative technologies thereby maintaining our reputation as a high-class manufacturer in the world.
Corporate Profile
Hypro infrastructure is fortified with futuristic technologies, process delivery systems, and machinery to command supremacy over the Hygienic Process Industry.

Industry experience
CO2 recovery
market share in India
market share in India
on equipment
on equipment
5 Continents
5 Continents
CO2 recovered
till date
till date
CO2 being recovered
per day
per day
U Stamp
vessels installed
vessels installed
CE Marked
vessels installed
vessels installed
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Hypro has set up a base to leap forward. It has the products, the technology, the infrastructure to propel its growth across the globe. It has the potential to contribute significantly to the reduction of the carbon footprint at a global level.
- Mr. Ravi Varma
Founder & MD, Hypro
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